
合格奪取!中国語検定 準4級 トレーニングブック 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2008/4/1 戴 暁旬氏 (著) 読んだ 使った

概要 中国語検定凖4級の対策の本。 リスニング、筆記の対策。 CD付き。感想 本書を使って、中国語検定凖四級試験の勉強をし、2014/11/23の試験を受け、ネット解答で自己採点をし、おそらく受かった。次は、 を、使って4級を受かりたい。 中国語を使えるよ…

科学検定 5級 受けて、受かった

トップページ | 科学検定ついに受かった。 小学生用だけど、科学の範囲が広くて難しかった。 次は、4級(中学生の科学の範囲)に挑戦したい。 アマゾンで、調べたら、4級の対策本が売ってないので、売って欲しい。

第254回 数学検定 準2級 受けた

計算技能 うっかり間違えがなければ、全問できた。数理技能検定 問3 整数問題ができなかった。 他は、計算間違えがなければ、できた。次は、2級を受ける。今度こそ、2級を受かりたい。

科学検定5級 受けた 落ちた

27/50 点次は、 を、しっかりやって受かりたい。 小学生の科学の範囲だから、勉強しないで対応できると思っていたことが、間違いだった。生物と化学が、特に分からなかったので対策したい。

第251回 数学検定 2級 受けた

一次(計算)と二次(応用)を受けた。一次は、6〜7割できた。 二次は、一問完答、二問半答、三問白紙。 落ちた。 どうしたら応用ができるようになるのだろうか?

H25 後期 放送大学 単位認定試験 受験結果 まとめ

マーケティング・・・おそらく受かった 社会学入門・・・おそらく受かった 微分積分・・・合否微妙 コンピューターのしくみ・・・おそらく落ちた 問題解決の数理・・・おそらく落ちた 功利主義と分析哲学・・・合否微妙 入門線形代数・・・おそらく落ちた 初…

I took 2014 national center tests for university.

I took 2014 national center tests for university. The required mark for passing a school of choice were not able to be taken. I would like to reflect on the mistaken place and to prepare for the next test. It is very mortifying!

H25 行政書士試験 受けた 



解答した後、答えを見る前にするべきこと ・次元解析 ・代入法・・・0や無限記号 ・エネルギーや、減少が異様から外れていないかの確認 ・定性的確認

合格一直線!マンガでわかる第二種電気工事士攻略テキスト&問題集  電気工事試験対策研究会 著 読んだ

概要 目次 part1 電気の基礎理論 part2 配電方式と配線設計 part3 配線材料・器具・工具 part4 照明器具と誘導電動機(モーター) part5 電気工事の施行方法 part6 配線図 part7 電気設備の検査 part8 電気工事に関わる法令名門電気大学工学科に所属するエレ…

センター試験模試 河合塾 H240804 受けた

現代社会 国語 リスニング 英語筆記 数学1A 数学2B 生物 物理反省 全部7割以上必要 できるところだけ解答し、早く進行し、わからないところはひらめくまで何回もやる方針で受けた。 数学、物理は、けっこう準備したつもりだったが、目標点におやばなかった…

数学検定 準一級 受けた H240721

1次 7問中3問できた 2次 4問中0問できた

American And Iraqi Soldiers

American And Iraqi Soldiers A squad of American soldiers was patrolling along the Iraqi border. To their surprise, they found the badly mangled dead body of an Iraqi soldier in a ditch along the road. A short distance up the road, they fou…

Dinner Time joke

Little Johnny comes home from school one day and asks his mother what "shit" meant.Thinking fast she replied "food on the table".Next day he comes home and asks his mother what does "son of a bitch" mean.Again, thinking fast again she says…

italian and frenchiman and american joke

There is an Italian, a Frenchman, and an American sitting in a bar talking and the Italian is bragging that last night he made love to his wife 3 times and this morning his wife made him breakfast in bed and told him how amazing he was the…

Geek Jokes

My computer was not working properly.So I sent it to re-boot camp!quotehttp://www.publicradio.org/applications/formbuilder/projects/joke_machine/joke_page.php?joke_cat=Geek

sick joke

I saw a man with a trolley full of horseshoes and rabbits' feet earlier, trying to get it up a hill.I thought, "He's pushing his luck." quote sickipedia.org - What It mean this?

An American ,a German, and a Mexican

There is an American, a German, and a Mexican. They are in all in a boat. The boat is about to sink. Each of them have to throw things out to make the boat lighter.The German throws out 4 cases of beer and says, “We have a lot of bear in G…

Dumbass American Jokes

Americans are so dumbassed, that when theres a fire, they throw nerdy kid in it so it burns faster.quote Dumbass American Jokes


A little Native American boy asks his chief how babies in their tribe get their names. The chief replies, "When a baby is born, the father takes him outside of the teepee, holds him over his head, and names him after the first thing he see…

Deaf, HOH, and ASL Jokes

TURNED OUT THE LIGHT:Two Deaf men are signing to each other. The first man asks, "What did your wife say when you got home late last night? The second man replies, "She swore a blue streak" And the first man asks, "What did you do then?" A…

banana joke

Why do americans fail in the banana selling buisness? Because everytime they see a bent banana they would throw it away.quote Funny.com

I send about cause what I cant achievement to set up to product owner .

my surcumstance about set up on vpn I dont set up untill.I send about cause what I cant achievement to set up to product owner . [I contract vpn at 5 doll on paypal . But I don,t receipt mail what when I use to set up vpn host name and vpn…

Joke about language

What do you call someone who speaks three languages? "Multilingual".What do you call someone who speaks two languages? "Bilingual".What do you call someone who speaks one language? "An American".

barber joke

The balding middle-aged man asked his barber, "Why charge me the full price for cutting my hair -- there's so little of it.""Well, "said the barber, "actually I make little charge for cutting it. What you're paying for is my searching for …

Buying Your Way to Eternity

Buying Your Way to Eternity | TIME.comBuying Your Way to EternityIt is point what I understand about this article・It is method what human success Long life・and so on

Syria’s Air-Defense Arsenal: The Russian Missiles Keeping Assad in Power

quote Syria's Air-Defense Arsenal: Russian Missiles Keeping Assad in Power | TIME.com From this article ,I understand thing.・syria,s minister is assad. ・syria,s miritary have misile,It ready to learn. ・and so on

Torend topic in 3 july in 2013 is turkey.I invest it.

Torend topic in 3 july in 2013 is turkey.I invest it. It is what I know about turkey, ・turkey is name of country ・turkey is name of cook ・and so onI dont know about it any more. I dont overtake this topic. I want to know it.

I sleep early today.

I sleep early. I tired today. I finished to do today. I get up early time at morning on tomorrow.

I study english on music,s lyrics. and I read ”本当はこんな歌" by Mr 町山智弘.

I study english on music,s lyrics.Music,s lyrics in singer in forign country what I know. ・beatles ・rolling stones ・metarica ・megadeth ・oasis ・lady gaga ・carpenters ・bob marly ・aerosmith ・and so onI analyze them ,I want to get re…