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スカム・カルチャー 単行本 – 1994/8 秋田 昌美 氏(著) 読んだ

概要 引用http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4891763035?tag=kumakatsu-22&camp=243&creative=1615&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=4891763035&adid=0K690R78RCA6A1DQA655商品の説明 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) 強度の個人的妄想は、快楽と退屈を飲み込んで遂に…

Buying Your Way to Eternity

Buying Your Way to Eternity | TIME.comBuying Your Way to EternityIt is point what I understand about this article・It is method what human success Long life・and so on

Syria’s Air-Defense Arsenal: The Russian Missiles Keeping Assad in Power

quote Syria's Air-Defense Arsenal: Russian Missiles Keeping Assad in Power | TIME.com From this article ,I understand thing.・syria,s minister is assad. ・syria,s miritary have misile,It ready to learn. ・and so on