
首提灯 まとめ

引用 首提灯 - Wikipediaあらすじ[編集]江戸の夜は暗い。そんな闇の中を一人で歩いていると、「新刀の試し斬り」だか「斬りとり強盗」だかの辻斬りに遭うことがあるかも知れない…… 品川遊郭へと通じる夜道……一人の江戸っ子が、べろべろに酔っ払って怪気炎を…

I came to be able to do reciting to my own stringed accompaniment of a guitar.

I came to be able to do reciting to my own stringed accompaniment of a guitar. Although it is difficult at sight, it can do, if it prepares. It is easy if the regularity of a code is known. Next, I would come to like to make a solo guitar.