
厩火事 まとめ

喧嘩の多い夫婦と、二人の関係を作った仲人の話。 妻が、仲人に、夫の愚痴を言う。 ↓ 仲人が、妻に、孔子の厩火事の話を教える。 ↓ 妻が、夫に、教わった話の内容を試す。オチの夫が、悪くてひどいけど笑った。

I would like to go to the musical live.

I would like to go to the musical live. The live which makes noise by a lot of people is good. I would like to be really into it and to dance. I would like to feel a sense of togetherness as people who are present in the hall in music. Reg…